Cumberland Plateau Amateur Radio Club
P.O. Box 1473
Crossville, TN. 38557

The Cumberland Plateau Amateur Radio Club (CPARC), is located in Crossville, Tennessee, and was established to serve the public, further the art of amateur radio communication, and promote high standards in amateur radio. The club operates three repeaters, W8EYU/R on 146.865 MHZ (PL 118.8), 146.895 MHZ (PL 118.8), and W8EYU/R on 443.850 (PL 118.8). We are an ARRL affiliated club in the Tennessee Section. 



CPARC is an Amateur Radio (Ham) organization, dedicated to the enjoyment and educational enrichment of our members through the open sharing of ideas. All officers and directors are elected yearly by a direct vote of the membership. We are a member-driven, member-centric organization that welcomes everyone with an interest in amateur radio communications at any level. 

Club Information

2024 CPARC Officers
President: J.J. Orleff, W0FAA
Vice Pres.: Nick Smith, W4GKM
Secretary: Patricia Dominguez, WA4WSZ
Treasurer: Esta May Bringenberg, KN4QDD

2024 CPARC Directors
Dudley Pitts, KM4IYQ
David Krueger, KQ4KFL
Wayne Alley, K4MGE

Public Information Officer
Nick Smith, W4GKM

Contact Volunteer Examiner
Austin Cates, K5QF

Repeater Trustee
J.J. Orleff, W0FAA

Douglas N. Grant, KB1WJY

Popular Area Nets

CPARC Phone Net
Sun., Mon., Wed., Thur., Fri., 7:30pm, 146.865 – Tone 118.8

CPARC Area Training Net
Tues., 7:30pm 146.895 – Tone 118.8

TN. Phone Net
Mon. – Fri., 6:45am., Mon. – Sat., 6:30pm. Holidays: 8:00am. 3.980 LSB

ARRL Monthly Newsletters

Monthly Meeting:

The next meeting is November 12, 2024. The meeting will be held at the Fair Park Senior Center. CPARC general meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month, 7:00 p.m., at the Fair Park Senior Center, 1433 Livingston Road, Crossville, TN. 38555. 

Fair Park Senior Center

VE Testing

The next scheduled VE test session will be announced when scheduled.  Additional tests may be held as required at other times during the year. For more information contact Austin Cates, K5QF  by phone at 931-488-8324. CPARC Volunteer Examiner (VE) exam sessions are provided at no cost to the candidate. 

Information on testing fees:
1) Goes into effect 00:00:01 EST April 19, 2022.
2) CPARC VE Team will NOT collect fees. We will , however, give printed instructions on how to submit the fee to all requiring payment.
3) Fee is $35.00 for New, Modification, or Renewal of license.
4) Payment is required within 10 days of testing to be paid directly to the FCC via the CORES system. This is the same place you created your FRN number.


None scheduled at this time.


The Cumberland Plateau Amateur Radio Phone Net, sponsored by CPARC, is held Sun., Mon., Wed., Thurs., and Fri. at 7:30 p.m., on the 146.865 MHz repeater (118.8 tone). If you would like to take a turn as net control operator, contact Jim Walker, at 931-484-7600.

CPARC ARES Training Net:

The Cumberland County ARES Training Net is held on Tuesday night at 7:30 p.m., on the 146.895 repeater ( 118.8 tone).


Use the information listed below to contact key CPARC ARES personnel. District Emergency Coordinator: J.J. Orleff, W0FAA, 931-287-0195.
Cumberland County EC: 


The FEMA Independent Study (IS) courses required for some ARES support functions are; IS-100.b, IS-200.b, IS-700.a and IS-800.b. For information on taking these courses, contact Al, N1ATS,931-337-8123.


Field Day is held yearly, on the 4th weekend in June. Currently, CPARC Field Day activities take place at the Homestead Tower near the junction of Routes 127 and 68. Field Day 2024 will be held on June 22-23, 2024. See “Field Day 2024” heading for latest information on Field Day 2024.

Field Day 2024


CPARC dues are currently $24.00 per year. For new members only, joining after April 1st, the dues are pro-rated to $2.00 a month for the remaining months of the year. Alternately, new members joining in October, November or December, may choose to pay the full amount of the yearly dues for the following year. In this case, membership would begin upon payment of this yearly amount. A membership application can be found on the CPARC web site ” Club Application Page”. Dues can be paid at a monthly meeting or mailed to the CPARC address listed above.


The third and fifth Thursday of the month, CPARC breakfasts are held at Country Kitchen Restaurant ( see Club Activities page on this website), 8:00 am. Significant others and guests are always welcome.

The Country Kitchen on Main, Crossville, TN.


Most every weekday morning from about 9:00am to 11:00am, you will find a group of CPARC members at the Dairy Queen on Route 127 (N. Main St.), in Crossville, TN. Join us for coffee and conversation.

Dairy Queen, N. Main St., Crossville, TN.