VE Testing

Free Amateur Radio Testing

VE test sessions are held at Fair Park Senior Center. All sessions begin at 6:00 PM Central Time. Our 2022 test session dates are Jan. 26. There is no charge for exam sessions conducted by Laurel VEC sponsored VE Teams.

You will need a Federal registration number, a photo ID, and for those currently licensed, your original license and CSCEs, if any. Pre-registration is required to ensure that we have adequate testing materials. To register for CPARC’s free amateur radio testing, call or email Austin Cates at: or 931-488-8324

For more VE session information, click the link to Select VE teams. On the CPARC listing, select Crossville, TN. to find contact information and the location for CPARC test sessions.

CPARC volunteer examiners, some of whom are pictured, conduct frequent amateur radio examinations in the conference room of the Crossville Memorial Airport.